B. longum BB536 may reduce visceral fat and total fat levels in healthy normal and overweight adults. BMI and TG levels also showed significant differences between the groups. Participants did not change their daily diet or exercise habits, 16 weeks of probiotic intake showed a positive effect on visceral fat reduction.
Most probiotics have been isolated from animals and soil, the natural inhabitants of animal intestines and sewage, missing foundational human strains. This leads to disruptions and imbalances. This is called Dysbiosis.
The composition of our microbiome is established by transmission of foundational human strains during a vaginal birth. This is called Generational Transmission.
RE-1™ is formulated entirely from foundational human strains of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria, bioidentical to those received at birth. These are called Human Origin Strains HOSt™. These strains exhibit superior physiological function to establish and maintain balance. This is called Eubiosis.
80% of those living in urban environments - missing Human Origin Strains (HOSt™) have experienced daily gut disturbances in the past 30 days.